An Archived Site documenting the historic 2013 victory and efforts of families, teachers, farmers and health professionals on Kaua‘i (Hawai‘i)
After 53,000 petition signatures were delivered.
After approximately 4.000 Marchers at the Mana March.
After nearly 100 local business endorsements, labor union endorsements, farmers,
ranchers, doctors...
For the PEOPLE of Kaua'i
County Council APPROVES Bill 2491!
The People WIN Disclosure, Buffer Zones
and a Study of Pesticide Impacts
on our Health and Environment
Aloha Kakou -
The children and families of Kaua'i WON on October 15, 2013!! Together, UNIFIED, strong, and with aloha in our hearts, we showed that when Kaua'i stands up for our children and the aina, WE WIN.
The People and their County Council WON a landmark law that will bring more protection to the children and families of Kaua'i as they endure heavy pesticide use near their homes, schools, parks and hospitals.
Kauai now has the Right to Know what pesticides are being used and when, where, and how much, on a weekly basis; buffer zones; and a comprehensive study so we can begin to understand the impacts of GMO industries on our health and environment.
We now await Mayor Berhard Carvalho to sign Bill 2491 into law.
A Big MAHALO to you, the ohana of Bill 2491 Supporters!!
Your participation in all kinds of ways - sending in your Council testimonies, letters to your local newspapers, your willingness to meet with Council members, offering your skills and networks -all this has powered this diverse, unified people's movement.
Bill 2491 was just the first step, and as a strong hui we will press on to define together what is pono for our island.
Now, Help Us Give Mahalos!
Please TAKE 5 MINUTES to call and email the council members with a thank you for voting YES to protect our children, land, and the will of the people.
The Pass the Bill Coalition especially hopes that you will send lots of aloha to Council Chair Jay Furfaro who, with great courage, integrity and love for our island, stood strong to guide the Council through this difficult process.
Chair Furfaro showed us all what real leadership can be, and we are deeply, deeply grateful for his unwavering and pono leadership!
In the coming days, we will give you an update on the implementation of Bill 2491, and how we can keep moving to malama aina and our keiki.
When the People Lead, the Leaders Will Follow.
We Proved This On Tuesday...and will continue!!